Sunday, December 26, 2010

$72/hour – a county employee?

Here's a little something to spoil your Sunday...

Where can you earn $72.00/hour in McHenry County?

What accredited County agency would be running so smoothly and efficiently that it would end up paying employees $72.00 per hour? Keep in mind; these are your tax dollars at work.

First of all, I’m happy for the employees that they get to scrape by on $72.00/hour. I’m not so happy about the inept supervisors who can’t figure out schedules and avoid paying such an outrageous overtime rate.

It seems to me that, if I were a boss and owned a company, I’d be figuring out how to juggle schedules around to avoid paying $72.00/hour for anyone! And a supervisor is a boss. At least, he is supposed to be. In many places the work load is lighter on holidays. Some operations are 24/7, but even on holidays there are functions that are not happening, and so you can get by with lighter staffing.

Safety is paramount – no question about that. But what if safety could be maintained and slightly-reduced staffing could handle the responsibilities fully, competently and safely. Shouldn’t supervisors be able to figure that out?

But they are spending OPM – Other Peoples’ Money. Your money. Our money. Even their money! After all, they pay taxes, too.

But what about the administrators; remember, we’re talking about a McHenry County operation here. The Administrators – you know, the guys with the take-home cars or the $350/month car allowances. Why aren’t they shaking a stick at their subordinates, the supervisors, and asking them why they cannot plan schedules and avoid paying $72.00/hour?

Remember – OPM!

Where is the Sheriff, who was so recently re-elected? Why isn’t he minding the shop? Is he at work? Or is he in Minocqua or Cape Coral? Is his cell phone bill paid up? Why is he allowing over-time that costs the taxpayers $72.00/hour?

Did I forget to mention the job and agency? Don't you wish you were a corrections officer in the McHenry County Jail?


  1. At least the it's OT causing the high rate. Reports are the States Attorney has and PT employee who also happens to be a campaign worker making much more than this per hour on straight time.

  2. You can't change schedules to avoid overtime.
