Saturday, November 20, 2010

Another NIXLE abuse - lottery scams

The McHenry County Sheriff's Department has sent out yet one more message through its NIXLE alert system to will work to defeat the purpose of urgent or emergency alerts.

This time it's about Nigerian scams and lottery scams.

When is someone going to knock some heads at 2200 N. Seminary Ave. and say, "Stop!"

What is going to happen is that the public is going to stop opening and reading NIXLE messages. If the Sheriff's Department feels it needs to warn the public about a non-urgent situation, it can issue a press release and send it to the Northwest Herald and to the Daily Herald. Heck, maybe even to The Woodstock Advocate.

But not by NIXLE.


  1. There you go again. At least say it's YOUR opinion that it's being misused. If you bothered to check out the Nixle site and can read the English language, you are fully aware that this is a stated use of the system. You don't like it? Fine! Hit the delete key. Didn't you tell us last time you were going to unsubscribe? Oh, wait, if you do that you can't complain. Sorry

  2. Well, let me tell you, D-158 transportation department really dropped the ball on the parents today. They held the kids at school because of the tornado watch and the transportation didn't send out a NIXLE until 15 minutes after the scheduled bus drop-off times. When I received the NIXLE on my cell phone, it was so garbled that I couldn't even understand what it was saying.

    I wouldn't be so upset except that nobody at Transportation was even answering the phones. What is that all about? >:-(

    At the beginning of the school year, D-158 made a big deal about all the $$$ they spent on some kind of computer software for the transportation department to notify parents if there were bus delays, and this is what we get. 15 minute NIXLE delays that you can't even understand.

    (And I don't know WHAT that software money was spent on because we had NIXLE before they plunked down that big wad of cash.)
