Saturday, November 6, 2010

Accuse with caution

It's one thing to pussy-foot around about rumor and innuendo, and it's an entirely different matter when a person comes right out and accuses someone of planning a murder.

Regardless of your opinion as to the veracity of such an accusation, it's worthwhile for you to read what is posted on

Read it and understand it. Remember my complaint on September 17, 2009, to the Woodstock Police Department, after Sheriff Nygren pulled in alongside my car in the Woodstock Jewel-Osco and glared at me for 30 seconds? Why didn't I just shrug it off and forget it? Why did I call the Woodstock Police Department and report it? You can believe that I am glad I did. It's all on the record. The Northwest Herald even made light of it for several days in the following week.

The article on the above blog indicates that Nygren had just left a meeting at which he had allegedly asked a man to rub out the author of that blog. This statement is in that article: "Nygren told this officer, who had worked within Nygren's inner circle for numerous years, 'Hang Bachmann and make it appear as if he committed suicide!'"

Further down in the article on that blog it reads:

"After leaving the restaurant, Nygren then evidently went after Woodstock Advocate resident and 'Blogger Watch Dog' Gus Philpott.

"The time lines all add up, and the 'Informant' has been found to be extremely credible. The officer has told me that the Gus Philpott incidence (sic) as posted beneath this story, happened on the same day as his meeting with Nygren."

The author of that blog is a smart man. He is not going to accuse someone of a serious crime without solid evidence.

So read the article on that blog. Ask yourself, "What if it is true?"


  1. Last night my dog started acting strangely. She whispered in my ear, "I have been assimilated by Barack Obama and I will destroy your health care plan." Now you may think this is strange, but I ask you, "What if it's true?" Well, Gus, since you pose the question, I guess I have to ask how you come to give David Bachmann, who self-admittedly is crazy (which statement appears in his own hand from time to time in his blog), who has no corroboration whatsoever, any credibility? Is there any or is there only your blind hatred of Nygren and the sheriff's department that allows you to fan these flames of insanity. How did you become part of this plot to assassinate yourself by following Nygren around that day. I believe that was also reported in the NW Herald articles. They made light of it? Hell, Gus, everyone made light of it. "Oh, he GLARED at me! I want him arrested!"

    How about printing something that would be easier to believe in, say: "Illinois Lottery Officials admit to problem with computer. Six million patrons have winning tickets entitling them to payouts of from $3 million to $18 million each. Despite the error, lottery officials announce that the payouts will be made promptly due to there being a sixteen trillion dollar surplus in the state's general fund!"

  2. Darth, now I understand why you believe your dog. Why would you twist the truth by writing "How did you become part of this plot to assassinate yourself by following Nygren around that day."

    I was parked in the Jewel-Osco parking lot after driving straight from an all-day meeting at MCC, when Nygren pulled in alongside my car.

    How do you construe that as my "following Nygren around that day"?

  3. Gus. You have lost what few marbles you might have had I certainly hope the sheriff takes you and Bachman to task legally for your reprinting of vicious lies and personal attacks. The only reason he probably does not file suit against you is he would not know what to do with your VW and computer. If he does file suit and gets the VW I would hope he cuts the top off of it and uses it for a planter in front of the courthouse. You are pitiful!!!!

  4. Looking at this post again, I wonder if perhaps you've just done a favor to Nygren. That Bachmann's accusations are actionable at this point is probably undisputed. Missing from the mix is acceptance and repetition of these ramblings in a public forum(even by the lunatic fringe)probably seal the deal. The fact that Bachmann, who apparently doesn't have the proverbial pot... is likely judgment proof - same boat that somebody else is in - is besides the point. At some point in time this nonsense needs to be addressed. Let's hope that it is.

  5. Ah, joe. You weren't sitting in my car, when a large man known not to like me and who would have been armed, unnecessarily and intentionally pulled in alongside my car in a remote part of the parking lot. Why did I report to Woodstock PD then that conditions were ripe for a hit? It's in my report to WPD on 9/17/2009. Little did I know at the time... what could possibly have caused me to think that, at that time?

  6. Darth, you're missing a big part of the picture here, because you don't want to believe any part of what you have read.

    Why not ask yourself, what if Dave Bachmann is correct?

    What if the hitman has come forward?

  7. Simply because Bachmann has on numerous occasions stated that people other than just Nygren were indicted, would be arrested within days, of specified or unspecified crimes and, to date, absolutely none of it has come to pass. That he (and sometimes you) go off on rants that will make a reasonable person sit there and shake their heads in pity. That he exhibits schizophrenic tendencies and openly admits that he's crazy. That neither you nor he make meam much in the overall scheme of things, certainly not enough for someone such as Nygren to want to "take you out." Shall I go on?

    "What if the hitman has come forward?" Yeah, let's ask ourselves that very question. If Bachmann was sane and had a legitimate source, wouldn't you think that the very first thing he would do would be to take it to his "numerous friends" in the FBI, the DEA, the CIA, etc.? The last thing he, well, any SANE person, would do would be to keep throwing this stuff out there basically taunting his alleged deadly enemy to silence him while he still could. No, Gus, Bachmann's argument and yours, by extension, makes as much sense in today's world as the claim that the earth is flat and if you reach the horizon you'll fall off into eternity.

    Interesting gymnastics with you and your blog but it does get old. Speaking of which, if you truly believe this crap, perhaps you should see your doctor and have him check for Alzheimer's. Chronologically, you seem a bit young for it but it never hurts to check.

  8. I saw my doctor and had him check for Alzheimer's. He says he doesn't have it.

  9. LOL!

    May the Force be with you... The farce already is!

  10. Oh Gussy~ You live on Lake Avenue and state you had just driven from MCC? Why were you sitting in a "remote" part of the Jewel parking lot in the first place? It is not on your way home and obviously you weren't shopping there if you sat in a remote location. Thank you moron! You just proved everyones point.

  11. Frank, I don't normally call a reader a "total jerk", but today I'll make an exception.

    As I explained in detail over a year ago, I had attended an all-day meeting at MCC and drove back to Woodstock on Country Club Road, often referred to as the "back way." Anyone can do that. It's a public road.

    I pulled into the parking lot and parked to make a cell phone call. Got a problem with that?

    Maybe I did that so Nygren could find me and pull up alongside. Think so? I wonder if WPD asked him where he was just before he pulled up by my car. (I know someone who knows someone who knows.)

  12. I love true crime according to Bachmann!

  13. Oh Gussy~ If you live on lake avenue there is no reason to take the "back way". In your case it could be called "out of the way". Rt. 14 from MCC directly intersects with Lake Avenue where you would then travel W/B and be at home within a minute. By going down Country Club "the long way" you not only extended your trip for no reason at all but you also "accidentally" put yourself in the same parking lot as Nygren? In a remote area? Give me a break you dumb SOB.

  14. "Oh, Frankie", I must have missed the class where it was taught that I couldn't drive from MCC to Woodstock on Country Club Road or that I was required to take the most direct route home. What if I wasn't headed home that day, which I wasn't?

    I'm sure every reader here has you figured out. You might think I'm baiting you, but I'm not.
