Sunday, October 17, 2010

Why vote for Rich Whitney for Gov.?

"CARBONDALE, Ill. (IRN) — Lots of barbs, but only by two of the three candidates in the governor debate Thursday night at WSIU-TV in Carbondale.

"Governor Pat Quinn, a Democrat, and State Sen. Bill Brady (R-Bloomington) used nearly every answer to bash the other.

"But Green Party candidate Rich Whitney laid off the criticism, and used every answer to point out in some detail how he would close the budget gap, improve the job climate, and fund education."

This is part of what KMOX had to say on its website. I grew up on KMOX, a radio station out of St. Louis. It is a CBS affiliate. Read the entire article at

This the same Rich Whitney that the Illinois League of Women Voters wants to exclude from its debates. Gotta wonder why...

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