Wednesday, October 13, 2010

McHenry County Green Party meets

The McHenry County Green Party met this evening at the Woodstock Public Library. Three area candidates were there to share the enthusiasm of the current election season.

Harvard resident Scott Summers is running for Illinois Treasurer and is busy traveling the state to speak with groups of interested voters. He was in Blue Island on Monday and recently in Chicago and Peoria. Illinois is a big state and Scott has a lot of ground to cover.

Woodstock resident Frank Wedig is running for County Board, District 5. He'll be at the League of Women Voters forum on Sunday to meet District 5 voters. Be sure to go by MCC and meet Frank. Watch the local paper for the schedule.

And, of course, I was there to report on interviews with Star 105.5, last Monday's forum of the Illinois Policy Institute and the McHenry County Right to Carry Assn.

Ron Meissen attended the meeting, too. We thank the Library for making its conference room available to us.

Remember to vote on November 2nd for the Green Party candidates, including Rich Whitney for Governor. The Green Party is one of three established political parties in Illinois (you can guess the other two).

Early voting is underway. If you are not yet registered to vote, you can register and vote now. For information, call 815.334.4242

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