Saturday, September 4, 2010

Are you registered to vote?

Are you registered to vote in the November 2 General Election?

At your current address? Have you moved? Did you remember to register to vote at your new address?

The last day to register (or transfer your registration) is October 5, 2010.

And remember ... vote Green.

You've got Green Party candidates for Sheriff (that would be me!), District 5 of the McHenry County Board (Woodstock's own Frank Wedig), Governor (Rich Whitney), State Treasurer (Harvard's Scott Summers) and for other offices.

Do your homework. It's way, way past time to break the lock on political offices that the Republicans and the Democrats have held up until now. Look at the actual candidates and make your choice.

Don't judge a candidate by his website. Money will buy a lot. A lot of money will buy a lot of splash. Every time you see just one more sign or the website of Keith Nygren or Mike Mahon, think ...

... Gus 4 Sheriff!


  1. so how do people register or correct their address?

  2. If you are McHenry County, Ill., the first step would be to call 815.334.4242 for voter registration information.

    Otherwise, call the County Clerk of the County in which you live.

  3. We missed you at the Sunset Days festival parade in LITH today...
