Tuesday, August 24, 2010

SPAN schedules MCC talk on drones

No, not those professors (you know the ones) who just go on and on and on...

On September 1 at 7:00PM the MCC Student Peace Action Network (SPAN) will present Kathy Kelly, a three time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, and her presentation, titled "Drones on Trial" on the military use of drones (unmanned aerial vehicles). Pictured is an MQ-9 Reaper. These are the aircraft that are controlled from the ground, without risking a pilot and navigator.

Concerns are the missile strikes that miss targets and kill civilians, resulting in increased animosity against the U.S.A. and, according to a Letter to the Editor from Elizabeth Pappalardo in the Northwest Herald, "...are an invaluable recruiting tool for extremist groups."

Come and learn about drones. Be ready with your questions. You might even ask about use of drones on the U.S./Mexico border.

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