Saturday, August 28, 2010

Interfering with an investigation?

A reader of this blog and the original Facebook page for Beth Bentley has informed me that all the comments I had posted on that site have been removed.

Some of them, if I do say so myself, were pretty good. Some of them were written after contacts with various law enforcement agencies. Some of them were written and included information from some of those agencies, even though it might have been second-hand.

Other comments disappeared when the woman writing as "Kool Breeze" not only removed many of her own comments on one long Discussion Topic, but she also deleted the entire Topic. She did so in a huff and apparently without a consensus from the other moderators. It was a knee-jerk reaction; an emotional rebound. And a wrong one.

All the explanations of the Find Beth Bentley Reward Fund trust vanished, when Kool Breeze dumped that topic into the cyber-trash.

It might behoove Scott Bentley to flush most of the moderators from the original "Beth Bentley Missing Woodstock, IL Woman" page on Facebook and replace them with 1-2 level-headed people who will put that page and its topics back on track for finding Beth.

1 comment:

  1. >>>> Other comments disappeared when the woman writing as "Kool Breeze" not only removed many of her own comments on one long Discussion Topic, but she also deleted the entire Topic.

    Guess is that she's only focused on where she feels that "Kool Breeze".

    Her sole claim to - whatever?
