Saturday, June 19, 2010

Bentley WPD press release now inaccurate?

On June 9 the Woodstock Police Department issued an update to its original May 27 press release about the disappearance of Beth Bentley, 41, of Woodstock, from southern Illinois. Beth was last seen at the Frosty Mug in Mt. Vernon on Friday, May 21. There doesn't seem to be any corroboration of sightings after that, although phone calls to her husband are reported until Sunday afternoon, May 23.

That press release may now be inaccurate and should be further updated, so that the public is not misled about a possible location of Beth.

The information that is inaccurate is that she was dropped off at the Centralia Illinois train station "to board a 1800 hours train bound for Chicago". For non-law enforcement types (the rest of the world), that's 6:00PM (actually, 6:08PM).

If Beth never intended to take the train to Chicago, why was she dropped off near the Centralia train station? Or was she?

In whose name was the car rented for the trip? If Beth rented the car, why didn't she take the car wherever she wanted to go? What was the plan for the week-end and the return trip?

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