Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Seipler vs. Nygren - Round 1

Later this morning the Northwest Herald is scheduled to interview Republican candidates for Sheriff of McHenry County. Editors will grill Zane Seipler and Keith Nygren about their positions in the upcoming February 2 Primary Election.

What questions will the editors ask:

Experience (in 100 words or less):
Ever convicted of a crime? If so, what and when?
-What will be your top priority if elected?
-Should the Sheriff's Office try to enter into a contractual agreement with Immigration and Customs Enforcement to arrest and detain persons suspected of being in the country illegally?
-Relations between the Sheriff's Office and the State's Attorney's office have been strained in recent years. Has that affected operations at the Sheriff's Office? What should be done to improve those relations?
-Do you think the Sheriff's Office is adequately staffed in terms of the number of officers serving the county? If not, how would you propose paying for additional officers? What could be cut, or should taxes be raised?
-What experiences do you have that make you the best person for this position?
-To what extent, if at all, is racial profiling a problem in the Sheriff's office? What steps do you think are appropriate to stop or prevent it?
-How would you characterize gang activity in McHenry County? What should be done to address the issue?
-What do you think the Sheriff's Office's overall role in the county law enforcement community is and how does that role affect its relationship with municipal departments?

Green Party candidate for Sheriff Gus Philpott and Democratic candidate Mike Mahon were not included. The explanation from the Northwest Herald was that they are interviewing Seipler and Nygren because the Republican Primary race is contested.

So, with this thought in mind, I would have phrased one of the above questions differently. In asking about experiences, I would have phrased the question as,

"-What experiences have you had that make you the better person of the two Republican candidates for this position?"

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