Sunday, November 15, 2009

Vets: where is your DD-214?

Thanks to The Woodstock Independent last week, veterans were reminded that the Office of the McHenry County Recorder will record a copy of their discharge papers (DD-214) without charge. This important document can be additionally safeguarded right here in McHenry County, where copies can be obtained locally as needed.

A few years ago I couldn't find my DD-214 and ordered a copy from the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis.

To my surprise I learned there had been a fire there years before, and many records were destroyed. I hope they were duly admonished for failing to provide safe storage!

In any event, I did later find my DD-214, and I sent them a copy of it. This week I'll take it to Phyllis Walters' office, so they will have a copy, too.

If you are a veteran, you might want to consider doing the same. The Recorder's office will give two free certified copies to the veteran, after they record the DD-214.

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