Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sheriff's race on the move

Yes, Virginia, there really will be a race for Sheriff in McHenry County!

Democratic candidate Mike Mahon has his website up and running. You can view it at

Friends of Mike Mahon will hold two fundraisers this week. The first will be in Huntley tomorrow, Thursday, November 19, and the other will be in Chicago on Tuesday, November 24.

For information regarding those events or to support Mike Mahon for Sheriff, visit, e-mail or call Mike's campaign phone number: 847.515.4772

Republican candidate for McHenry County Sheriff Zane Seipler is busy, too. For information about Zane and his campaign, visit, e-mail Zane at or call him at 847.561.1180

Green Party candidate for Sheriff is Gus Philpott (yours truly). My starter website is at You can e-mail me at or call me at 815.338.2666

The important race in the February 2nd Primary Election is the Republican challenge by Zane Seipler to the incumbent Republican sheriff.

If voters elect me on November 2, 2010, I can assure you that you will not have to chase me down by cell phone in Wisconsin or Florida. I promise not to charge taxpayers for vacation mileage in my Beetle, even though I still get 30MPG after 175,000 miles. I won't even charge ANY mileage, and I certainly won't expect you to provide a big SUV for me to drive around.

And, if I go to the airport for a vacation trip, I'll take a cab or hire a limo service at my own expense. I shall not ask a Department employee to drive me to the airport or allow one to do so. Any staffer needs to be at his place of business in McHenry County, not playing taxi driver to O'Hare. If we have business to discuss while I'm on the way to the airport, we can do it by phone.
But we won't have any business to discuss then, because I'll be on vacation. And, while I'm on vacation, I'll have competent staffers in place to run the Department in my absence. I will not be your "Cell Phone Sheriff."

1 comment:

  1. Fund Raising. It's a term run rampant in politics. Just what do ya need funds for other than getting your name out there in the Press, maybe some mailings and ads, etc.? Am I so naive that why do most politicians need million dollar plus warchests for all this. What else is the dough used for... besides booze, hotel rooms, ladies-of-the-night, bribes and payoffs?
    I think I could run a successful Sheriff campaign all on my own with the money I receive from my govt check. Doh.
