Saturday, November 7, 2009

More on unnecessary donation expense

To further clarify the nonsensical roadblock that the McHenry County Jail has thrown up in front of at least one charitable organization trying to aid a significant segment of the jail population, Chief Sedlock's recent impediment to the donations to the detainees consists of an additional cost per detainee of $1.10 for the cost of individual Postal Money Orders plus $.44 for each stamp, or $1.54, plus the cost of the envelope. Then volunteers would have to devote considerable time to enter a detainee's name and Jail ID Number on each of 1,500 money orders and the detainee's name and jail mailing address on 1,500 separate envelopes for the 1500 donations they make in a year.

On the Sheriff's side, jail personnel would have to open 1,500 individual envelopes and accurately and transparently process all those money orders and receipts each year. In addition, they would have to mail back to the organization the Money Orders for any refugee who is no longer being warehoused by them. The returned money orders would have to be cashed in at the post office. with refunds deposited into the Home State Bank jail ministry account.

Until recently, a jail officer credited each account with a quick computer entry. If the detainee has left the McHenry County jail, the jail officer gave the organization a credit to apply to the next week's group. Reportedly, it required only 15 minutes of the officer's time to make the necessary computer entries into detainees' accounts.

The ministry providing the funds has always prided itself with the fact that there are no administrative costs. They do not charge for travel, stamps, envelopes, tolls, time, etc. All contributions go to the political prisoners/refugees.

The Sheriff's proposed change would cause them to absorb the $1.54 of additional administrative cost, plus considerable more clerical time both on their part and on the part of the jail. It would cost more than $2,000.00, a year, if they absorbed all administrative costs.

Even ignoring the additional expense to the donating organization, why would the Sheriff's Department drastically increase its own administrative expense by requiring individual money orders, rather than one bulk check?

And why would the Jail now require that the money orders be mailed in separate envelopes?

I can think of only one reason, and that is to put an obstacle in the way of the donating organization in hopes that it will abandon its ministry and donations.

Keep in mind that none of the detainees has been convicted of a crime. None has been sentenced to jail. They are being "detained" at an expense to the Federal Government of $90.00/day.

Nice gravy for the McHenry County Jail...

Did you check out the cost of a candy bar purchased through the "deal" set up by the sheriff's department?


  1. You are right. They have not been sentenced to Jail. The majority come straight from Prison where they have either completed their Prison sentence or are getting out of completing their sentence to return to their country. (They get back here faster this way)

  2. You should look into that before you "doubt it".

  3. Nunya, the majority have completed their prison sentences or are getting out of their sentence by returning to their country, but then they get detained here? Sounds like probation (for the latter) to me, and that it could be revoked. You're the one who said "majority".

    So, if there are 300 detainess in the McHenry County ICE unit, then at least 151 "have either completed their Prison sentence or are getting out of completing their sentence to return to their country." Right?

    Do you work in the ICE unit or the regular jail section?

  4. "Keep in mind that none of the detainees has been convicted of a crime." That was your line and obviously not true.

  5. Detainees have not been convicted of a crime and sentenced to confinement in the McHenry County Jail. Better? Isn't that why they are called "detainees" and not inmates or prisoners?
