Saturday, May 9, 2009

Vandalism to City Property

Why do kids (I'll stick my neck out here and blame it on "kids") feel that it is necessary to vandalize City property?

This sign, one of two signs I noticed today that had been ripped from their installation bolts, is in Emricson Park near Field A.
Is there some badge of courage that is awarded to a big, bad, brave bozo who leans into a poor, little, defenseless sign (in the middle of the night?) and costs the taxpayers $100 to fix it.
I guess there is a reason that parks close at dark. It is supposed to keep the creeps, vandals and other lost souls away from mischief.
When you see vandalism of any type, at any time, report it. Call the Woodstock Police Department and provide a description of the miscreants and any vehicle they are in.
When the police patrol through the parks at night and find people there, what do they do? Let's hope the make out a contact card on each person, recording the names, addresses, phone numbers, DOBs, clothing description and vehicle description. It's okay with me to keep them waiting while all the details are recorded.
It creates the paper trail so that later on, when vandalism is discovered, a follow-up can be made.
They don't have to bust them on a park hours violation the first time. The next time? Write them the ticket and haul them into the new Administrative Adjudication Court, which ought to be up and running soon. Might as well let them learn early what law are for and what the penalties are for thumbing noses at the laws.

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