Saturday, February 7, 2009

WDBA Visioning

Last Thursday night approximately 45 members of the Woodstock community showed up at Stage Left Cafe for a visioning meeting sponsored by the Woodstock Downtown Business Association (WDBA). Those present were downtown businessowners, residents and City government representatives. The purpose of the gathering was to begin taking a serious look at how we want downtown Woodstock to be.

Keynote speakers were Les Cavada from Springfield and Britta McKenna from Batavia. They addressed what it takes to create a successful, thriving, dynamic downtown, and they described the work that it takes to keep the momentum up. It is doable!

Britta told us about taking the reins of the Main Street program in Batavia about ten years ago. Its organization had gotten started, and the Executive Directorship had then changed hands - right into the hands of a person who cleaned out the piggy bank. Then Britta took over in 1998. It wasn't easy to dig out of the financial hole and the ruins of the organization's reputation, but she and 50 volunteers did it.

All the businessowners in the downtown area, had all of them been there, would have applauded Les' comment, "Retailers are not here to do a social service." Right on, Les. As he explained, they are here to make money. Right! That's what business is all about. And if they don't? They won't be here. Les spoke about the importance of buying locally and buying downtown. He said that if residents don't come downtown and shop, there won't be any downtown to shop in.

Britta stated clearly that the Main Street Program is not a "downtown Chamber." The Main Street Program is not a duplication of the Chamber, and it's not a replacement for the Chamber. In a community both are needed.

She showed us the sign that merchants in Batavia use on their doors. One side reads "Open." The other side reads "Sorry we missed you" and shows the store hours. Door signs should never say "Closed"!!!

Those attending Thursday evening were led through a process of identifying four major areas of concern to downtown businesses:
1. Strengths
2. Weaknesses
3. Opportunities
4. Threats

The Downtown Woodstock Business Association is Woodstock's Main Street program. Get involved. Find out what you can do to keep the ball rolling in Woodstock. Two important ingredients are needed: Time and Money. You have some of each. Not a lot of either one is required from everyone.

I didn't get the name of the person who cooked up some killer chili. Wow! It was good. Thank you for bringing it!!!

Residents are especially invited to become members (partners) in WDBA, and the cost for a family is very low. Contact WDBA for more information: Visit or call (815) 353-5090.

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