Wednesday, February 4, 2009

3692TN - Know this driver?

Some drivers are just plain jerks. Here's one of them.

This morning I was driving south on Clay Street and passing Clay Academy (formerly, Clay Street School) in the school zone just after 8:00AM. A large, dark-colored (blue?) pick-up truck roared up behind me and then accelerated hard and passed me. A really cool (dumb!) move.

I was traveling between 25-30MPH in the school zone and watching for students on the sidewalks, which would make it necessary to slow to the 20MPH School Zone speed limit.

Why that jerk felt he had to blow by me would be a good question for him to answer to a judge in McHenry County Traffic Court!

I'm not sure whether school zones are automatically designated as no-passing zones; if they aren't, they should be.

But that jerk also had not completed his passing before reaching the intersection of Clay and First Streets, and that is a violation. Too bad there wasn't a Woodstock police officer sitting in the school's parking lot on Clay Street, but there is no reason one would have been. It was shift-change time!

Perhaps the police will nab him another day. Anyone know him?


  1. Sure, everyone keeps a file of everyones license plates just like you do.

  2. Of course, everyone wonders why there's never a cop around when you need them at a moment like this. Of course, the reason is, people don't pull stupid stunts like that when there are cops around!

    Even if it's not automatically a no-passing zone, he was probably way past the speed limit when he passed.
