Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Photo Op at Stage Left Cafe

Four years ago (only four years ago?), when Barack Obama was at the Opera House, I missed getting my picture taken with him. Actually, I didn't "miss" it until tonight. Should I have stuck around that day, even though he was running late and the local pols made no explanation for his tardiness?

So I wasn't about to miss the photo op tonight, after the City Council meeting ended. Knowing of the local bash at Stage Left Cafe to celebrate his inauguration as the 44th POTUS, I headed over to see who and what was to be seen.

And there, right off the entry way .... there was the chance of a lifetime. And I didn't even have to fight the crowds! (Sorry about the reflection from the glasses he was holding in his hands.)


  1. You need to lighten the photo. All I see is Obama in the dark.

  2. Thanks, Cal. Just a combination of cheap camera and tired batteries and a helpful person who was willing to hold the camera (not quite close enough).

    One of these days I'll step up to some good camera equipment like yours, and then we can double-team the government meetings around here.
