Friday, January 23, 2009

Gotta love Illinois politics

The Associated Press reports our very own Blago, the one governor who didn't show up in Washington for the President's inauguration, as saying, "And if it means I have to sacrifice myself to a higher cause, for the people of Illinois and for the principle of due process and the right to call witnesses, then so be it."

I'm glad that was on Page 3A of this morning's Northwest Herald. I was in a hurry, and I didn't have to search for the comics to get a good laugh.

I wish I'd studied drawing cartoons and caricatures. I'd be drawing one right now of Blago, down on his knees, head on the chopping block of the guillotine, own hand on the rope and saying, "And if it means I have to sacrifice myself to a higher cause..."

Come on, come on... just pull the damned rope!

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