Thursday, November 6, 2008

Plan Ahead - Nov. 10, 7:00PM

No, it's not a late Election Night party. It's the continued public hearing on the Landmark status for Grace Hall.

The Historic Preservation Commission will meet on Monday, November 10, at 7:00PM in the City Council chambers to hear Caryl Roskie Lemanski's petition for local landmark status for Grace Hall, currently used as the administrative offices of Woodstock Christian Life Services.

If you would like to understand better how government works (or is supposed to work), if you just have an interest in a grand old building, or if you just like a good fight, be there.

Some may considerable the issue dead in the water, since the City Council approved the WCLS project, including the demolition of Grace Hall (but with a seven-month stay of execution). Others are not willing to write it off, just because the City Council said, "Count to seven (months) before you tear it down."

Put it on your calendar now. Call your friends. Forward this to others by clicking on the little envelope below the article. Go and look at Grace Hall. Walk around it. Learn about it.

See you at the hearing.

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