Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gas Tank - Which Side?

How many times have you driven a rental car or someone else's car and pulled in for gas, only to find that the gas tank filler was on the "other" side of the vehicle?

It's just a minor inconvenience; right? Just one of life's little frustrations? (Unless you've been waiting in line for two hours in Atlanta for one of the few stations with gas and, if you try to turn around, you'll lose your place in line.)

In a recent email from a friend in Springfield, I learned that there is a way to know on which side of your car the gas tank door is located.

Do you know how to learn where the gas tank filler is, without trying to see it in the outside mirror or leaning far out the window (or without getting out of the car)?

1 comment:

  1. Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding!

    Answer is:

    On your gas guage, there is an arrow indicating which side your filler neck is located!

    Having switched cars recently, I know I have to use it all the time! LOL!

