Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Obama

On Meet the Press this morning, Gen. Colin Powell (Ret.) has endorsed Barack Obama.

I have not been a regular viewer of Meet the Press, only because I seldom turn on my television. It was good to watch Gen. Powell and Tom Brokaw this morning. Gen. Powell is articulate, smart, thoughtful, and he presented his reasoning well. I commend the interview to all.

Meet the Press will be re-broadcast today (October 19) at 5:00PM CDT. In Chicago on Channel 5.

1 comment:

  1. I have the utmost of respect and gratitude for the service Gen. Powell provided both in the military and as Sec. of State. However I believe that his endorsement will have very little to do with the outcome of the election. Gen. Powell simply picked someone cerebral, like himself, versus someone who acts and does things that call for a decision to be made; sometimes before all the facts are known or can be provided. The undecided voters of this country will decide our next President.
