Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trial Set for June 2 in Salerno Death

The trial for Scott Hirschey, driver of a snowmobile that crashed January 24, is set for June 2, 2009. Randy Salerno was riding behind his friend and was killed in the accident. Hirschey's BAC is reported as .225%.

What kind of justice is the delay in the trial for ten more months? Especially, when seven months have already passed? Obviously, the lawyers have been at work.

There can be little doubt about Hirschey's remorse. Maybe Randy's even sitting on the edge of a cloud "up there", hoping for leniency. If I had been in Randy's place, I would be.

I only met Randy once - at a Northwest Herald/CBS program at MCC. After that, he and I traded a couple of emails.

Hirschey has asked for a jury trial. If I were in Hirschey's shoes, I'd be saying, "Let's get on with this."


1 comment:

  1. This is such a sad situation. Scott Hirschey allegedly did something he should not have ...drink and drive and Randy Salerno (God rest his soul) made a bad decision to get on the snowmobile with his friend. This is a no win situation for anyone. One of the budies died and the other will have to live with that memory for the rest of his life.
