Sunday, June 29, 2008

Police to Ticket

Should the Woodstock Police ticket parking violators on sight, or is it necessary for citizens to telephone the Police Department and request that a ticket be issued?

At noon today this black Chevrolet pick-up truck (license NOSBIG) was parked on Throop Street, completing blocking the sidewalk south of Cass Street. Cass Street is the short street where the Chamber of Commerce and Woodstock Hobbies are located.

Granted that most of the pedestrian traffic is on the Square and not around the outside behind the businesses, but this location is a popular spot for parking violations.

Wouldn't you think that the beat officer would stop on his first trip past, assuming he is not enroute to a call, and tell the owner/driver of the pick-up to move it or be ticketed? One warning should be sufficient, and the word ought to get around to the other construction workers in that building.



  1. its the owners of the courthouse grill, since they like to mess around with employment checks and not pay employees, they should fork over some f that money for a parking ticket.

  2. Employee practices and parking on the sidewalk are two different issues.

    I was undecided about posting the above comment. I decided to do so, hoping it will attract a response from the restaurant owner(s) and employees.

    Employees expect to be paid on time every week for the hours worked. The time on payday should be definite and checks should be ready for distribution, without an employee's having to beg for it.

    Just what are the payday practices there?
