Thursday, June 12, 2008

New RR Sign in Town

Have you seen the new signs in town?

It looks like the railroad and the City might just be getting ready to get serious about those who scramble across the tracks as a train approaches.

The hefty fine will get a person's attention. Try on $250 for size. Ouch!

Now let's see if the officers will enforce it. If the lights are blinking and the bell is sounding, a pedestrian is to stop. Not "stop, look & listen" and then run for it. Stop!

Will it be like the $250 handicapped parking fine? As an officer in another jurisdiction explained to me, some officers are reluctant to issue a parking ticket in a handicapped parking zone, knowing that the driver is going to get stuck for $250. Let's hope this is not the case in Woodstock.

Trains do not yet jump off the tracks and chase down pedestrians. The tracks belong to the trains. When the warning lights are blinking and the bells are sounding, do not cross the tracks! Shouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

What did I see after I noticed this sign today? A woman walking along the tracks from Calhoun toward Judd. Nice, eh? Fortunately, no train came along.

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