Friday, May 9, 2008

Introducing Greg Kachka

You read about the dangerous man who so terrorized two on the Board of Trustees of Island Lake that he ended up being charged under the state law for Disorderly Conduct? What was his dangerous crime?

Wearing a t-shirt to a Village Board meeting and allegedly pointing his finger at a Trustee!

Meet Greg Kachka. Looks like a pretty mean guy; right? Somebody you'd really worry about, if he pointed a finger at you? If you saw him coming toward you, you'd run; right? And if he really did point a finger at you, you'd cower in fear and dive for cover. Right? WRONG!

Well, Greg's a nice guy. A guy you would be pleased to call your friend. I don't know that there are any railroad tracks in Island Lake but, whether or not there are, you can hear that train whistle blowin' and know that Greg is getting run over.

Elsewhere I've written about Greg's legal defense fund. It will cost him of lot of money to defend himself against this charge. Anyone reading this who would appreciate help if you found yourself in similar circumstances - please kick in a few bucks; every $5, $10, $20, $50 will help.

When Greg's number was up, the Island Lake Police Department called him and asked him to turn himself in and post a $75 bond. Since Greg did not commit any crime, he didn't do it. So the police arrived at his door, handcuffed him and took him to the station, where his bail had miraculously increased to $5,000! That's FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS!

What do you suppose happened to the $75.00 offer???

Ten percent ($500) bail bond of the $5,000 was posted and Greg went home. Stay tuned for more details. And send some money.

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