Friday, March 28, 2008

I Laughed So Hard...

... when I saw Leigh Rubin's cartoon, Rubes, last Tuesday. Did you catch it in the Northwest Herald? Click on the cartoon to enlarge it so you can read the caption and see the drawing clearly.

Why was this so funny?

First, it brought back memories of my motorcycle patrolling days in Colorado. I used to joke that, when I got fed up selling life insurance, I'd knock off for the day, go home, wash my motorcycle, wash me, put on my cop suit, grab my gun and bullet, and go out to terrorize the citizens for 6-8 hours.

And, of course, secondly, I was reminded of the ticket I got in Woodstock for a headlight that had been out for 20 minutes and how I wished I'd had some fairy dust or a wand or some charms to handle matters differently that day.

Be sure to read Rubes daily in the Northwest Herald. You will get a laugh every day! And pick up a few copies of Leigh's book, The Wild Life of Dogs: A RUBES Cartoon Book. You can probably get it at Read Between the Lynes Bookstore right here in downtown Woodstock, or Arlene can order copies for you.

Rubes By Leigh Rubin
Rubes (R) cartoon used with permission


  1. What is the legal time limit to have a vehicle operating without proper equipment?

  2. you got a ticket for a headlight that was out? "To this day, I obey all traffic laws"; sure you do frank. if you would replace the bulb when it goes out you would not have gotten a ticket. you just follow laws that you think you should have to follow.

  3. Q. When your headlight goes out at 5:40PM on a dark January evening and you are ten miles out in the country and it's 10 degrees F., would you park your car and walk home? Take a cab ($30.00)? Have the car towed (100.00)?
    And, if you drove straight home and got stopped right in front of your driveway, would you expect the Warning that the officer first stated would be given? Or would you expect him to change his mind and issue a $75.00 ticket, after a second officer pulled up and they talked for five minutes?

    OK, so my big mouth cost me $75.00. I accept that I got the ticket because I have been writing many Letters to Editors and sending many e-mails about traffic enforcement. I was shown a thick file at the police department and asked, "Do you know how many people don't like you?"

    My complaints have centered on tickets NOT being issued, for example, when a deputy runs a stop sign, causes an accident, doesn't get a ticket, and that the department didn't release the accident information to the daily newspaper.

    I thought about fighting the ticket and was ready to subpoena PD records for computer and police radio records and for department and personal cell phone usage during the time of the traffic stop and for four officers to be questioned. The ONLY reason I didn't was the risk of the $150 court costs on top of the $75 fine. After all, the headlight was out, and I did drive ten miles with it out. Guilty! You tell me; where do you get a headlight replaced at 6:00PM between Wonder Lake and Woodstock?

    Did I get singled out because I'm out-spoken? Did I get treated any differently than anyone else with a headlight out? So be it.

  4. so it takes a trip to the PD to find out that so many people hate you? could you not pick up on that by reading any of the comments on here? you deserved a ticket and im glad they gave you one. if you would just keep your yap shut, you may have gotten a warning. props to the cop who issued the ticket. i dont think you out-speak, its more mis-spoken. GUILTY!!!!!!! you should always carry a replacement bulb dumbass.

  5. I once had to change a flat tire in February in a blinding snowstorm at 7:30 at night. Changing a sealed beam bulb would have been a picnic.

  6. FYI - Beetles don't have sealed beam headlights, and the bulb is not owner-changeable bulb without special tools. I've had ten headlights replaced in 140,000 miles, and mechanics say the headlight cover should be warm to avoid breaking it when it is removed.

  7. Sorry, I meant just the opposite-removable bulbs. FYI they are owner changeable without special tools.

  8. You know? You're probably right. Every shade-tree mechanic has a large rusty screwdriver and a big hammer. Who cares about the scratches and broken glass? It's for sure that you don't own a New Beetle.

  9. Its for sure he doesnt drive the new bitch mobile!

  10. Wrong again. The new beetle is a 2001. You don't take the lens off either. This blog aside there is plenty of useful info on the internet.

  11. If you were ten miles out of town when the light failed and it was only out for ten minutes when the police stopped you at your driveway you were exceeding the speed limit. I told you a million times to not exaggerate

  12. And just where did you read that the headlight was out for ten minutes?
