Friday, February 29, 2008

Haligus Road Accident Update

Back on December 13, 2007, about six weeks after an accident on Haligus Road claimed the lives of two Marian Catholic Central High School students, the McHenry County Sheriff's Police had not issued any tickets to the driver of the car involved in the single-car accident. The Department was reportedly awaiting lab tests (toxicology reports) before deciding on charges.

This is a position with which I do not agree. The accident happened. No other vehicle was involved. Certainly, the sheriff's department could issue appropriate initial tickets. Later, after receiving toxicology reports, they could add charges, if warranted. The reason given to me for not doing so was "double jeopardy."

I was told then that the Illinois State Police was running about three months behind on toxicology tests.

On February 14 I telephoned Sheriff's Sgt. Carolyn Hubbard and left a message for her with a male deputy who answered her phone and told me that she would return my call the next day.

After waiting two weeks, this morning I telephoned Sgt. Hubbard and left a message for her directly in her own voice mailbox. In the absence of a return call from February 14 and no return call today, it is beginning to appear that the sheriff's department does not want to release information.

The next logical step is to file a Freedom of Information Request with the Sheriff's Department for this information. Failure to return phone calls seems like an unnecessary and unprofessional roadblock but, if they want to play the game that way, it's okay with me. FOIA Requests are expensive and time-consuming for a law enforcement agency to handle. How much simpler it would have been for the officer in charge of the case just to return the call.

The accident was four months ago. Far, far too much time has elapsed without charges being filed for that accident. What could possibly be the reason for such a delay?

Unreturned phone calls are nothing new to me when dealing with the Sheriff's Dept. Two calls have been placed to Det. Cruz for information on the ICE Unit, and neither call has been returned. Guess I'll be sending two FOIA Requests, not one.


  1. Why don't you just putt-putt-putt your slow little bug down there and write your own tickets? You seem to be interested solely in punishment no ifs, ands, or buts. Those families are probably still dealing with this and really don't need you as another vulture hovering overhead. Really, why do you care if tickets are or are not issued?

  2. As a long time reader of this junk I feel I should come to Gus' aid. Obviously his interest in law enforcment procedure is from a continuing education perspective. He gets as many wrong as right. Personally I only get to read the finnies on Sunday and read the blog the rest of the week. I find it hilarious.

  3. Oops! big typo. That should be funnies as in comics.

  4. Thanks for the praise. Batting .500 is pretty good is some places.

  5. batting? i didn't know you were batting on this frank and it is not good here

  6. He's moved up from apprentice and become a master batter.

  7. Why are you hell bent on wasting people's time? So you made a couple phone calls that were not returned. Big Deal. I imagine the officers involved have a great number of things to do and must prioritize their work. My guess is that issuing some tickets to an 18 year old girl with no prior history of trouble doesn't rank very high on that list. Besides if the toxicology report comes back negative (I'm guessing it will) what is the point in issuing a ticket? We are talking about someone who has lost their brother and will needs months of physical therapy to recover from the accident. (ACCIDENT is the key word here) Other than generating a little revenue I see no point to this. Time to stop being an advocate for your own ego and use a little common sense.

  8. Why is it called common sense? Gus is living proof that it is none too common.

  9. First of all this article makes no sense. Are you talking about the accident where two teenagers were killed in a car accident that did involve another vehicle-- A GRAVEL TRUCK!! Wow your life is hinging on whether or not a great young lady who lost her brother and bestfriend in that accident gets a frickin ticket!! Your an idiot- how about how this young lady who before that awful day was planning which college to visit and what exactly she wanted to study in college. Now, Gus, she gets to wake up everyday and think of the people she lost, not college, and all the medical procedures she has to look forward to. I have had the pleasure of meeting this bright young lady whos spirit is broke and her heartbroken mother. Do you really think that this family needs any other problems at this time. There are plenty of repercussions that they are dealing with. Gus- it's time you looked at the big picture not just your narrow minded point of view! If you had a family that this happened to -what would you think about all this? I say IF you had a family because if there is any kin I am sure they have disowned you by now.
