Thursday, February 21, 2008

Guns Legally at Universities?

See today’s article at about students’ carrying guns at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. The student featured in the article is a conceal-weapon permitholder who began “packing” after the Virginia Tech shooting. He decided that he is not going to be a victim.

Does this make sense? To me, and I’ll bet to many law-abiding citizens who want the right to carry a concealed weapon, it does make a lot of sense. If we see a person in harm’s way, or find ourselves in harm’s way, then we are likely to take action. But no one wants to go up against a gun or knife with a fountain pen. We must have equal force.

I’ve not yet investigated training classes that would probably meet a requirement under a new state law. A range in McHenry may be offering a training class. The problem with taking the class now is that, if and when our esteemed legislators get around to finally passing a concealed-carry law in Illinois, that class may not fill the bill, or a time interval might have passed and one would be required to take the class again, not that that might not be a good idea.

Can a weapon be carried concealed in Illinois now? Some would say “Yes” to this question. When you read the law closely, you see that a weapon “must be unloaded and enclosed in a case, firearm carrying box, shipping box, or other container” - - and container is not defined. This could be a box or a bag or a fanny-pack or perhaps even a zippered weekly planner designed to carry your monthly DayTimer pages and your side-arm.

I can hear the howls now. Illegal! Illegal! Except it’s not illegal. The law of the State of Illinois allows just this. Unfortunately, it will be very expensive to prove that you are not guilty; read, innocent. If the cops catch you with your handgun in “your” container, you can bet they will charge you with a felony, and then you’d better have deep pockets for the best lawyer in the territory.

Just such an arrest occurred in, I think it was, DuPage County. The alleged “criminal” was eventually found Not Guilty, but at what cost? Should law enforcement be financially responsible for the unjustified and malicious prosecution of a person who has not violated a law but whom they charge, anyway?

Citizens and police officers have nothing to fear from the law-abiding citizen who is carrying a gun. In fact, I think that the in-car computers ought to identify drivers who are FOID cardholders and, in the future when we do have a good concealed-carry law in Illinois, who are such cardholders. Then, if an officer happens to spot a weapon in the car, he might be slightly less concerned, knowing the registered owner of the car (and probably the driver) is legally entitled to have the weapon.

Of course, we have to be able to depend on government not to try to confiscate our weapons. Can we trust government that far?


  1. Gus - You are so right-on ... you should run for public office. We'd be in a lot better shape if you were in charge ... I have always believed that just the possibility that one has a concealed weapon is enough to deter most criminals. When working in certain parts of Chicago, I often insert a banana or sausage in my pocket to give the criminal element the idea that I'm packing ... and it seems to work. No body has ever tried to rob me or pick my pocket ... its also mad me very popular with the ladies and they think I'm always happy to see them. Gus, you're a groovy guy and a realy hip dude!Keep it up! Who luvs ya' baby --- Snoozer 3 of course

  2. sound like a groovy guy! Let's Party Sometime! Yeah BabY!!!

  3. Can't trust the government but want to keep passing more laws and ordinances to insert government into our daily lives. You really should be a politician you are qualified.

  4. Gus why do you keep removing posted blogs.

  5. Most overused word of recent years? Hero. In Saturdays Northwest Herald a woman wrote that the innocent students at NIU that followed their instincts and ran away were heroes. Whats next? The people who stayed at home hiding under the covers as heroes? New words for the national anthem-"Land of those who take their freedom for granted and the home of those who blame eveyone else"
