Tuesday, January 8, 2008

How to Run a Jail

You've heard of Sheriff Joe Arpaio; right? He's the top cop in Maricopa County, Arizona. Phoenix, don't you know?

If you'd like to read about how a jail ought to be run, read this article at http://www.snopes.com/politics/crime/arpaio.asp

Sheriff Joe Arpaio charges prisoners for meals. He tells them that, if they don't like the food, don't come back. He canceled all the cable TV until he found it he had to provide it, and then he limited programming to The Weather Channel and G-movies. No more WWE and strong-arm violence. They live in tents, not air-conditioned cells. No weight room, either.

He's hot on the illegal alien issue.

The article is worth reading and passing along to the entire McHenry County Board.

And this article ought to be mailed to every voter before the next election for sheriff. Heck, we could even send it in plain envelopes with no return address...

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