Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Lawsuit Filed Just Before 4:30PM


I have it on good authority that a major lawsuit was filed against the City of Woodstock this afternoon, just before closing time at the courthouse. I am expecting a copy of the Complaint yet tonight and will expand on this after reading it.

As you may have read, the Woodstock City Council huddled in Executive Session last night. I suspect they had received word that it would be filed, and they were getting the ducks in order. I wonder if anyone was at the Plan Commission to locate Jenny and Bean...


  1. There goes more of my tax dollars towards the City attorney to fight a lawsuit that the City will end up winning. This isn't exciting Gus. This is unfortunate for us tax payers.

  2. No, what's unfortunate is
    the city receives money in the form of tax payer dollars for numerous new subdivisions w/out reinvesting that money in the expansion of services (roads and sanitation). This is not an isolated incident, this is city government the world over.

    It could be worse - at least the city isn't run by this guy -

  3. Oh no, Gus has siblings. Obviously they just put the money in their pockets.

  4. How much do you think actually goes to the City from your taxes? Not very much. "w/out reinvesting that money in the expansion of services"? My road was just repaved. It was also plowed well all winter long. I also saw the street sweeper go by my house today too. I walked through Emricson park on grass that was freshly cut by a worker from the Public Works Dept. I just got a glass of better than average drinking water from my house. 2 days ago I payed my water bill at City Hall and the young lady at the front desk was so kind and polite that I had a smile on my face all the way back to my car. I'm not much younger than you, and I have lived in three other towns in Illinois, and I can honestly say that I have more confidence in this City and it's employees than any other town. Mr. Philpott, it appears you were hurt somewhere on your journey of life. I've never heard so much negativity come out of one person in all my life. I respect the fact that you aren't afraid of what people think about you, but next time you turn on the water or drive down a plowed street, or enjoy a walk through a wonderful park try and find the positive aspects of your journey rather than the negative. You might just find yourself smiling all the way to your car.
    Please do not respond to this with a reason as to why you're like the way you are. Just be grateful for the wonderful people you share this City with and hopefully I'll meet you one day so that we can sit at a park and chat.

  5. Without reinvesting the money in expansion of services? That explains all the little "outhouses" behind the new homes. I thought Woodstock just recently did some major work at both the south treatment plant as well as the one near Bates Park. Maybe like the moon landing it was all a hoax.

  6. Remember, 'you need a hug' even the garden of eden had snakes.

  7. It makes no difference - the city could be run by these guys...

  8. I have known Gus for a decade and can say with certainty that he is not an unhappy or a negative man. In fact, he is most generous in helping friends and neighbors when he can. His motivation is quite different. Gus has high integrity and is a straightshooter. He thinks everyone should play by the rules and that rules or laws should either be enforced or changed. I do not agree with each and every position he takes or every criticism he makes, by any means, and I think he underestimates how angry people become if they feel he is being unfair or too negative. His approach may well detract from his effectiveness. Yet I must stress that the reading of his character offered by his critics is simply mistaken.

  9. I thank each reader who posts here. Except the vulgar ones. Sorry; not you guys. While I am as quick to compliment good deeds and do so as often as I see them, I do not shy from pointing out what's broken. When a city official showed me a file folder full of my Letters to the Editor and emails back in February, he asked if I had any idea how many people didn't like me. No, I don't. I'm not running for office.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You should run for office!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gus for Mayor!!!! You have my vote.
