Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Trash Cans on the Square

Let’s weigh in on the trash receptacles around the Square… What are these for?

For that empty Starbuck’s cup? A used Kleenex? The morning paper after you’ve read it? What else?

Are they for cleaning out your car or truck? Are they for a plastic grocery-type bag absolutely jammed full of drink cups and trash from your car? So full it will hardly fit through the round opening in the cover?

Hardly…. As in, NOT.

When you clean out your car, do it at home. Throw your trash in that blue bag or the herbie-curbie, your own wheeled trash bin that goes out to the curb once a week.

This morning I watched a man walk from his pick-up to the trash receptacle in front of Starbuck’s and jam his completely-filled plastic bag through the round opening. As he did, a woman approached him and asked, “Cleaning out your car?”

In what shape is the interior of your car? If your boss asked for a ride to pick up her car at the service garage, would you be embarrassed?


  1. .......would you rather he just throw it on the ground like a majority of the kids out on the square?? At least he had the decency to throw it away properly.

  2. No, of course not. I'd rather he threw it away at home. In my opinion, he did not throw it away "properly", as you write. He discarded a sizable amount of trash in a City receptacle. The trash barrels in the parks are not for trash from home or your car, either. They are for trash from your visit to the park.

    Comparing him with the kids on the Square who litter is apples-and-oranges. If the kids are littering, the cops should be citing them. Not just the kids, either. No reason to pick on them, when there are plenty of adult litterers, too. For example, the smokers who empty out their ashtrays on public streets should be cited. And the passengers who toss out their drink cups, bottles and carry-out bags from local fastfood outlets.

    If common sense, courtesy and respect prevailed, no tickets would be necessary - and there wouldn’t be trash all over Woodstock.
